Process of nomination
The following documents should be obligatory attached to the application for winning the Prize:
- decision of an academic institution or higher education institution to submit research paper for winning the Prize;
- bio of a person (persons) whose research work is nominated for the Award, with contact details of the nominee(s) for the Award;
- research work (a study, a monograph, thesis, book, cycles of lectures) of the size of at least 6 publishing sheets with the names of reviewers and a bibliography in the subject of research.
- the scientific work shall be submitted in 3 printed PDF duplicates, with the right to send the scientific work to the Members of the Nomination Committee, Members of the Expert Council and Jury;
- the extended abstract to the scientific work being submitted for the Prize;
- personal written consent of the author (authors) of the scientific work to participate in the competition for the Prize.
The documents are submitted in electronic form and three printed copies of the research paper with the author’s autograph should be mailed to the Committee of the Prize (01054, Kyiv, Volodymyrska St., 48a, of.15).