of Ivan Franko International Prize in 2021
Leonid Tymoshenko was born on June 1, 1955 in the village of Potiyivka, Radomyshl district, Zhytomyr region. Doctor of historical sciences, professor at Drohobych Ivan Franko Pedagogical University. Member of the Ukrainian Heraldic Society (since 2001), the Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv, the Ukrainian Historical Society, the Society of Volyn Researchers, the Boykivshchyna Scientific and Cultural Society. Member of the editorial board of scientific publications: Ostroh Antiquity. Scientific collection [Ostroh: Publishing House of the National University “Ostroh Academy”]; Res Historyka. Czasopismo Instytutu Historii Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie; Saeculum Christianum. Pismo historyczne / Wydawca Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Społecznych Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie (Journal of the Institute of History at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin; Saeculum Christianum. Historical journal / Publisher: Faculty of History and Social Sciences, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw.
Participant of the international projects “Meeting point of two cultures: the church and Holy Trinity monastery in Vilnius (XIV-XIX centuries)”, “Portal of the chronicle of the life and activities of Bruno Schultz” for 2016-2025 (University of Gdańsk, Poland).
Has awards from the Ministry of Education of Ukraine: “Excellence in Education of Ukraine” (2000) and “For Scientific Achievements” (2005), the prize of the regional council and administration for scientific achievements in 2013, the diploma of the regional council in 2015, etc. In 2010, he was a visiting professor at the Department of Modern History Research at Paris-1 Sorbonne-Panthéon University, in 2008-2013. He was a consulting professor of the international project “History of the Religious Traditions in Europe” (St. Petersburg, Ivanovo, Moscow, Suzdal, Plyos).
The field of scientific interests is the history of the church and religious culture of Central-Eastern Europe (XV–XVIII centuries), Lithuanian studies (Belarusian studies), Volyn studies, history of Drohobych area, historical regional studies of the Kyiv Polissia, special historical disciplines (source studies, archaeography, archival studies, symbolism, genealogy) .