The winner of the Ivan Franko International Prize for 2021 has been named

The meeting of the international jury was held on August 26, where 12 doctors of sciences from Ukraine, Austria and Poland chose the laureate among the three nominees.
During the meeting, the independent reviewers presented the monographs of the candidates followed by debate and interdisciplinary discussion.
As the chairman of the jury – Doctor of Philosophy Evhen Bystrytsky noted: “It has been a fruitful discussion during which all three works were thoroughly analyzed. The first in line was the collective monograph edited by Alfredas Bumblauskas, Salviyus Kulyavichyus and Ihor Skochylias – “At Сultural Сrossroads: The Holy Trinity Church and Monastery in Vilnius.” The second – Leonid Timoshenko’s monograph “Ruthenian religious culture of Wilno. Context of the epoch. Hubs. Literature and book-learning (the 16th to the first third of the 17th century)”. And the third – the monograph «Survival as Victory: Ukrainian Women in the Gulag» authored by Oksana Kis. As a result, it was decided that the name of the winner of the Ivan Franko International Prize for 2021 will be announced during the awards ceremony to be held tomorrow in the 165th anniversary of Ivan Franko’s birth.”
“The works presented pleasantly surprised by their high scientific quality. They will make a good contribution to the historiography. We have someone to be proud of “, – emphasized Doctor of Historical Sciences Roman Ofitsynskyy.
The meeting was attended by:
Jury Chairman – Evhen Bystritskyi, Doctor of Philosophy, Head of the department of philosophy of culture, ethics and aesthetics, the Institute of Philosophy, NAS of Ukraine;
Jury secretary – Natalia Starchenko, Doctor of historical science, senior researcher at the Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Source Studies named after M. Hrushevskyi;
Roman Holod, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Department of Ukrainian Literature, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University;
Victor Moysiyenko, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Ukrainian language department, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University;
Michael Moser, Doctor of Slavic Studies, Professor of Linguistics, Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Vienna, the Ukrainian Free University in Munich and Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest, winner of the Ivan Franko International Prize in 2017;
Roman Mnych, Doctor of Slavic Studies, Associate Professor, Faculty of Applied Linguistics at Warsaw University;
Roman Ofitsynskyy, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Transcarpathian Institute of Postgraduate Education;
Lyudmila Posokhova, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Faculty of History, V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University;
Ihor Serdyuk, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, winner of the Ivan Franko International Prize in 2020;
Ihor Smutok, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Department of world history and special historical disciplines, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University;
Olexandr Fedoruk, Doctor of Philology, senior researcher, Manuscript funds and Textology, T.Shevchenko Institute of Literature, NAS of Ukraine;
Maksym Yaremenko, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of History Department, National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”.
We would like to mention that the organizer of the jury meeting is Ivan Franko International Fund supported by the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation within the grant component of the project EU4USociety.