The 2020 Ivan Franko International Prize: Top Contenders Announced
The Ivan Franko International Fund has announced contenders for the Prize of the same name, which is given to scholars whose works makea major contribution to the development of social and humanitarian sciences, are of international importance and are based on the scientific understanding of historical or contemporary processes in cultural, political and social life of Ukraine.
In 2020, 19 research papers have been submitted to the Ivan Franko International Prize. Scholars from Ukraine, Canada and the USA will compete for the victory. In conditions of the ongoing Russian aggression, research papers submitted from the Russian Federation were not allowed to participate in the competition.
The monographs are written in three languages - Ukrainian, English, Russian – and cover more than 20 academic disciplines.
The initiators of the submission of contender for the 2020 Ivan Franko International Prize became 10 higher educational institutions from Kyiv, Chernivtsi, Ternopil, Poltava, Odesa, Lviv, Drohobych, Ostroh, Vinnyitisa; 4 scientific institutions and 5 winners of the previous years.
Аmong the contenders:
- Olga Bogomolets , monography “Ukrainian home icon”, Ukraine.
- Andrii Boiko-Gagarin, monography “Coin counterfeiting in Central and Eastern Europe during the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times”, Ukraine.
- Anna Varava, monography “A cross-country fashion industry study and its application to eastern european countries, on example of ukraine”, Ukraine.
- Mykola Haliv, monography “Ukrainian Historical and Pedagogical Narrative (mid-ХІХth – late ХХth century): epistemological principles”, Ukraine.
- Harbuziuk M, monography “The image of Ukraine in the Polish theatre discourse of the nineteenth century: strategies and forms of representation”, Ukraine.
- Viktor Garkavko, monography Science about our daily bread (Agricultural Economy is the basis of the theoretical teaching of economics and organization of agricultural production), Ukraine.
- Druzhynets M., monography “Ukrainian Verbal Speech: Psycho- and Sociophonetic Aspects”, Ukraine.
- Andriy Zayarnyuk, monography “Lviv’s Uncertain Destination: A City and Its Train Station from Franz Joseph I to Brezhnev”, Canada.
- Archbishop Ihor Isichenko, “War of the baroque metaphors: Peter Mohyla’s “stone” against Kassian Sakowycz’s “spyglass””, Ukraine.
- Vasyl Kostytsky, Olga Koban, monography “Restrictions on the Legislature and the Judiciary”
- Larysa Мasenko, monography “Language of Soviet Totalitarianism”, Ukraine.
- Ihor Nabytovych, monography “The Tree of Life of the Literary Family: Ivan Fedorovych, Volodyslav Fedorovych, Dariya Vikonska”, Ukraine
- Yevhen Nakhlik, monography “Ivan Franko’s Bends of Spirit: The Conception of the World. Ideology. Literature”, Ukraine.
- Ihor Pasichnyk, Petro Kralyuk, and Dmytro Shevchuk, “Ostroh Academy: history and present of the cultural and educational center. Encyclopedic edition.”, Ukraine.
- Larysa Semenko and Olexandr Lohinova, monography “TheVinnytsia Theatrethrough the Mirror of History (1910-1944)”, Ukraine.
- Igor Serdiuk, monography “Little Grown Up: Child and Childhood in the 18th century Hetmanate”, Ukraine.
- Tetyana Syvets, monography “Christian concepts in the literature of the Kyivan Rus (ХІ – ХІІІ centuries)”, Ukraine.
- Mayhill C. Fowler, monography “Beau Monde on Empire’s Edge: State and Stage in Soviet Ukraine”, USA.
- Oles Fedoruk, monography Kulish’s “Chorna Rada”: A Textual History, Ukraine.
The name of the winner of the Ivan Franko International Prize will be announced at the end of June 2020 in Vienna (Austria). The award will be held at Ivan Franko’s homeland in Drohobych, on the day of Ivan Franko’s – August 27.
The Prize winner is awarded with a cash award and a gold badge.
We will remind you that in 2016, the Prize was won by Lubomyr Husar, Major Archbishop Emeritus of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Cardinal of the Catholic Church. In 2017, the winners were Michael Moser, Professor of the University of Vienna, President of the International Ukrainian Association and Oleh Shabliy, Academician, Professor Emeritus of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. The winners in 2018 were Professor of Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv) and Ukrainian Free University (Munich) Yaroslava Melnyk and Associate Professor of the Department of Eastern European History at the Helsinki University Johannes Remy. In 2019, the award went to Doctor of Philology at the University of Milan, Maria Grazia Bartolini (Italy).