Candidates for the 2019 International Ivan Franko Prize announced

Twenty-seven research papers have been submitted to win the Ivan Franko International Prize, which is given to scholars in the field of social and humanitarian sciences and Ukrainian studies, in 2019. Scientists from Ukraine, Canada, Italy, Poland and Serbia will compete for the victory. In conditions of Russian aggression, from the Russian Federation are not allowed to participate in the competition.

Nine research papers have been presented in the nomination “For significant achievements in the field of social and humanitarian sciences”:

  1. Vadym Adadurov  – The monograph “The War between Civilisations: Socio-Cultural History of Napoleon’s Russian Campaign”. Vol. 1. (Ukraine);
  2. Viktor Garkavko  – The monograph “Science about our daily bread “ (Agricultural Economy is the basis of the theoretical teaching of economics and organization of agricultural production). (Ukraine);
  3. Joanna Getka – The monograph “U progu modernizacji. Ruskojęzyczne drukarstwo bazyliańskie XVIII wieku” (eng. „At the threshold of modernization. Ruthenian-language Basilian printing of the 18th century”).(Poland);
  4.  Bohdan Hud The monograph “From the History of Etno-Social Conflicts: Ukrainians and Poles in Naddnipryanshchyna (Dnieper Ukraine), Volhynia, and Eastern Galicia at the beginning of the 19th – 1st half of 20th century.” (Ukraine);
  5. Bogdan M. Punko  – The monograph “International business” (educational-scientific publication for universities). (Ukraine);
  6. Bogdan M. Punko –  The monograph “Antiphilosophy of politics” (scientific journalistic edition, genre-scientific and journalistic literature fact). (Ukraine);
  7. Volodymyr Serhiychuk  – The monograph “The Holodomor of 1932-1933: the Ukrainian Genocide”. (Ukraine);
  8. Iryna Chugaieva The monograph “Chernihiv chronicle writing of XI – XIII centuries: historiographical myth or historical source?” (Ukraine);
  9. V. V. Holina, M. H. Kolodiazhnyj, S. S. Shramko et al. – The monograph “Public in crime prevention: national and international experience” . (Ukraine)

Eighteen research papers have been presented in the nomination  “For significant achievements in the field of social sciences and humanities”:

  1. Vadym Adadurov  – The monograph “Napoléonide’ in the East of Europe: Perceptions, Projects and Actions of the French Government in Relation to the South-Western Borderlands of the Russian Empire at the dawn of the 19th Century”.(Ukraine);
  2. Maria Grazia Bartolini – The monograph “Know yourself”. Neoplatonic sources in the works of H.S. Skovoroda. (Italy);
  3. Serhiy Bilenky – The monograph “Imperial Urbanism in the Borderlands: Kyiv, 1800-1905 “. (Canada);
  4. Halyna Voloschuk  – The monograph “The artistic thinking of Uliana Kravchenko”.(Ukraine);
  5. Svitlana Hirnyak – The monograph “Sociolect of the intelligentsia of Eastern Galicia in the formation of the Ukrainian literary language standards (the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century)”. (Ukraine);
  6. Viktor Davyduk  – The monograph “The Enchanted Polissya”.(Ukraine);
  7. Stepan Davymuka, Larysa Kupchynska  – The monograph “Ukrainian bookplates of the XIX-XX centuries: catalog of Stepan Davymuka collection: in 3 volumes”.(Ukraine);
  8. Hanna Dydyk-Meush – The monograph “Combinatorics in the Ukrainian language of the 16th–18th centuries: theory, practice, vocabulary”.(Ukraine);
  9. Oleksandr Panchenko – The monograph “Ukrainian Democratic Nationalism in the Past, Actions, Personalities, and Historical Perspective: Figures and Portraits: The External Representation (Milieu) of the UHVR and the OUN; Outlines, Articles, Reflections, Essays.” (Ukraine);
  10. Roman Radovych  -The monograph “Polissya dweling: cultural and genetic origins and evolutionary processes”.(Ukraine);
  11. Julijan Tamas  – The monograph “Identity Matching”.  (Serbia);
  12. Kostiantyn Tyschenko – The monograph “The Pre-Chronicles Language History of the Ukrainians”.(Ukraine).
  13. Kostiantyn Tyschenko  – The monograph “The Neighbor Languages History of the Ukrainians: 2300 Loanwords of the Antiquity & Middle Ages in the Language, Place and Family Names”.(Ukraine);
  14. OlgaTsaryk – The monograph “The formation of the culture of the written speech of the person in the system of national school education in the first half of the twentieth century”. (Ukraine);
  15. Alla Shvets  – The monograph “Woman with Ariadne’s Gift: The Life Path of Nataliia Kobrynska in Generational, World, View and Creative Dimensions”.(Ukraine);
  16. Mykola Shulskyi  – The monograph “Ivan Franko about the life and works of Markiyan Shashkevich”.(Ukraine);
  17. Mykola Shulskyi  – The monograph “Ivan Vyshenskyi in the assessment of Ivan Franko”. (Ukraine).
  18. Chabayovska M.I., Melnyk L.V. – Ukrainian studies as a new educational subject of choice “I love Ukraine” for grades 1-4. (Ukraine).

The research papers submitted for the award cover 13 academic disciplines: history, Ukrainian studies, linguistics, philosophy, literary studies, ethnography, onomastics, art studies, folklore studies, culturology, pedagogy, political economy, law. The monographs are written in five languages: Ukrainian, English, Polish, Serbian and Russian.

The awards committee has begun the formation of nomination committees, which must confirm the compliance of submitted monographs to the specified academic disciplines. The selected works will be transferred to the International Expert Council, which will select the three best monographs in each of the nominations and submit them to the International Jury. Names of laureates of the Ivan Franko International Prize will be announced on June 23 in Vienna (Austria). The awarding ceremony will take place in Kamenyar’s homeland – in Drohobych – on August 27, on Ivan Franko’s birthday.

We would like to remind you that Ivan Franko International Prize is awarded annually. Prize winners receive a monetary reward (in 2016 and 2017, the prize fund was 500 thousand UAH, in 2018, it was 400 thousand UAH) and a golden laureate’s badge. The award ceremony is held on August 27 – on the day of Ivan Franko’s birthday.

Prize winners include: In 2016 – Lubomyr Husar, Major Archbishop emeritus of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Cardinal of the Catholic Church. In 2017, Michael Moser – professor at the University of Vienna, president of the International Association of Ukrainian Studies – won in the nomination “for significant advances (achievements) in the field of Ukrainian studies”, and in the nomination “for significant advances (achievements) in the field of social and human sciences”, the award was given to Oleh Shabliy – academician and honorary professor of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. In 2018, Yaroslava Melnyk – professor of the Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv) and Ukrainian Free University (Munich) – became a laureate in the nomination “for significant advances (achievements) in the field of Ukrainian studies”, and in the nomination “for significant advances (achievements) in the field of social and human sciences”, the award was given to Yohannes Remy – assistant professor at Columbia University (USA).

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