PROCEDURE of the competition for the best design of the badge of Ivan Franko International Prize laureate

General issues
1. Program and terms of the competition for the best design of the badge of Ivan Franko International Prize laureate (hereinafter – the Competition), are developed to select the best competitive project of the badge of Ivan Franko International Prize laureate.
2. Badge of Ivan Franko International Prize laureate is purposed to honor individuals selected by the International Jury as Ivan Franko International Prize laureate in two nominations: for significant contribution to development of Ukrainian Studies and for significant personal contribution to development of social and human sciences.
3. The competition is held to select the best design of the badge of Ivan Franko International Prize laureate (hereinafter – the design).
4. Сharitable organization “Ivan Franko International Fund” (hereinafter – the Fund) is responsible for the competition, its organization and methodical support.

Terms of Competition
5. The competition is held from January 27, 2016 to March 25, 2016.
6. Projects for competition are accepted from February 15, 2016 to March 15, 2016.
7. Results of the competition are summarized on March 25, 2016.

Commission of the Competition
8. To select the winners and to ensure objective evaluation of the results of the Competition there is appointed the Commission for organization of the competition for the best design of the badge of Ivan Franko International Prize laureate (hereinafter – the Commission).
9. The Commission consists of experts in awarding, heraldry, phaleristics and Ivan Franko studies.
10. The composition of the Commission is approved by the Fund.
11. Meetings of the Commission shall be valid if attended by at least by 2/3 of its members. The decision of the Commission is taken by a simple majority vote of its members participating in the meeting. In case of tie votes the vote of the Chairman of the Commission is deciding. The Commission’s decision is ultimate.
12. The members of the Commission do not take part in the competition are not entitled to advise the participants of the Competition.
13. The Commission does not consider project proposals:
– submitted after the deadline;
– if they do not meet the requirements of the Competition.

Participants and conditions of the Competition
14. The competition is available for all comers. Works to be accepted to the Competition shall be sent by email ( or to the postal address of the Fund marked as “the design” (01034, c. Kyiv, 48a Volodymyrska str., office 15) in the period from February 15, 2016 to March 15, 2016 inclusive.
15. Three prizes are set for participants of the Competition:
the 1st prize — UAH 10.0 thousand;
the 2nd prize — UAH 5.0 thousand;
the 3rd prize — UAH 3.0 thousand.
Second and third prizes may not be awarded by the Commission.
The Commission may propose to several participants to jointly complete the projects.
16. The criteria for selection of design of the badge submitted to the Competition are the following:
– compliance with phaleristics and the following requirements;
– originality;
– functionality.
17. Requirements to the badge:
– the badge shall not reproduce the existing state awards of Ukraine and foreign countries;
– the badge can not use symbols of political parties and public organizations of Ukraine;
– the badge shall include attachment to the bar to wear a badge on the chest;
– the badge shall be original, to ensure its awareness and visual identification;
– the badge and bar shall reflect the Ukrainian tradition of phaleristics, and some elements (ornaments, type size, and background) – connection with the scientific work of Ivan Franko, time and place of his life;
– the badge shall contain the image of Ivan Franko, years of life: “1856-1916″ and inscriptions from the front side: “Премія І.Франка”, “Ivan Franko Prize”.
– all components and inscriptions shall be legible and recognizable.
– the actual size of the badge shall not exceed 30 mm in width.
– width of the bar for the badge shall have generally accepted proportions in relation to the badge;
– the badge shall meet the requirements for its production of precious metals;
– the badge shall not need the use of precious and semiprecious stones and their imitations (crystals) for its production.
18. Following shall be submitted for participation in the Competition
a) if the materials are sent by regular mail:
– a statement with information about the author(s) of the design of the badge and information confirming that designs of the badge do no breach the intellectual property rights of third parties;
– graphical color image of the badge of actual size and enlarged size (up to 150 mm in height) on a sheet of high quality A-4 paper;
– the top right corner of the sheet shall contain the motto in the form of six-digit number;
– CD with with raster (jpeg format, resolution no less than 400 dpi) and vector (eps, ai or cdr format) image of the badge, its thumbnail (explanation in MS Word format (doc, rtf) 97 version and above);
– explanatory note (up to one page) with interpretation of colors, images and text applied when developing the design of the badge;
– ​stuck down envelope of C6 format marked with the motto on it in the form of six-digit numbers;
– the envelope shall contain reference with the following information: surname, name, patronymic, residence address, contact telephone numbers, percentage of distribution of the prize (if there is the team). There shall also be the copies of 1, 2 and 11 pages of passports.
b) if the materials are sent via e-mail:
– a statement with information about the author(s) of the design of the badge and information confirming that designs of the badge do no breach the intellectual property rights of third parties (explanation in MS Word format (doc, rtf) 97 version and above);
– graphical color image of the badge of actual size and enlarged size (up to 150 mm in height) on the A-4 format, in the top right corner of the sheet there shall be indicated the motto in the form of six-digit numbers (pdf format);
– files with raster (jpeg format, resolution no less than 400 dpi) and vector (eps, ai or cdr format) image of the badge, its thumbnail;
– explanatory note (up to one page) with interpretation of colors, images and text, applied when developing design of the badge (in MS Word format (doc, rtf), 97 version and above);
– a text file with the following information: surname, name, patronymic, residence address, contact telephone numbers, percentage of distribution of the prize (if there is the team) (in MS Word format (doc, rtf), 97 version and above);
– scanned 1, 2 and 11 pages of passport (in jpeg format).
​ 19. Use and processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection”.
20. Winner of the Competition agrees to transfer copyright property rights to design of the badge by concluding the appropriate agreement with the Fund.
21. The original designs and accompanying materials, awarded with prizes, are not returned to the authors.
22. Information on the results of the Competition and its winners is posted on the official website of the Fund –

Funding of the Competition
23. The competition is free of charge.
24. Financing of the organization and conduction of the Competition is made by the Fund.

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