
Dear benefactor!

We offer you to make your contribution to the formation of the Prize fund of Ivan Franko International Prize in the sphere of social sciences and humanities, as well as to join the Supervisory Board of Ivan Franko International Fund.

Ivan Franko International Prize was established by the International Fund, which was created in June 2015 at the initiative of the grandson of the Great Kamenyar – Roland Franko. The Board of the Fund includes both Ukrainian and foreign scientists from London, Vienna, Munich, Warsaw and Siedlce. The first Prize will be awarded on August 27, 2016 on the 160th anniversary of Ivan Franko`s birthday.

The goal of the Prize is to popularize Ivan Franko`s activity and encourage scientists from around the world to conduct active humanitarian researches in the sphere of social sciences and Ukrainian studies. Ivan Franko International Prize should become a bridge to the recognition of Ukrainian science and culture in the world. The organizers of the Fund and the Prize have the ambition to put Ivan Franko Prize on a par with the most renowned scientific prizes in the world.

We work diligently to ensure a high level of competition and undoubted winner of the Prize. Therefore, all necessary procedures are public including the use of the best international practices. At the same time, the level of competition can be ensured not only by fair and transparent election, but also by the amount of the Prize, which will form its prestige. You have the opportunity to participate in the establishment of the Prize, which (by occupying a free “niche” in the scientific world) has every chance, along with the Nobel Prize, to become the first in the field of social sciences and humanities of the world.

We understand that the country is at war, and all of its resources are directed to survival, but even in such times we must not forget the ideals of the nation-building. Cognizing Franko means cognizing yourself, your past and your future. Ivan Franko is the best frontman for promoting a positive image of Ukraine in the world.

What will be the benefits of your charitable contribution to Ivan Franko Fund?

1. It will be used for the formation of bonus payments and therefore, will qualitatively affect the prestige of Ivan Franko International Prize.

2. It will enter you or the organization headed by you on the list of world-class benefactors.

Above all, the Directors of the Fund shall:

– mention the contribution of a benefactor on the website of the Prize, www.frankoprize.com.ua;

– mention a benefactor in the annual bulletin of Ivan Franko International Fund, which will be issued before awarding of the winners in August 2016;

– award a benefactor with the acknowledgement of Ivan Franko International Fund;

– mention a benefactor in mass media – speeches, publications, interviews;

– participate in public actions of a benefactor, including media ones (by invitation).

If you understand the importance of the establishment of Ivan Franko International Prize and are ready to join the ranks of its supporters, you can contact us by mail frankofund@ukr.net or make your contribution to the settlement account of the Prize:

Ivan Franko International Fund Charitable Organization

Місцезнаходження: 01030, м. Київ, вул. Володимирська, 48а, оф.15

ЄДРПОУ 39896543

р/р UA133770900000026007002303489 в АТ «Європейський промисловий банк»

Адреса банку: 01024, м. Київ, бульвар Т.Шевченка, 11,оф.51

Yours respectfully,

the Board of the Fund.

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